Eating Locally Starts With The Home Vegetable Garden

Home Vegetable GardenOrganic food is yours for the creating this springtime – so get digging! If you get started seeds indoors you can plant the transplants in the raised bed immediately after your final spring frost date. Tomatoes, Corn, Yellow Squash, Zuchhini, Green Beans, Orka, Green, Red Peppers, Jalapenio peppers strawberries and raspberries. Then I decided to plant some sprouted potatoes I had in between the tomatoes.

You might like the following post that talks about this and presents vegetable recommendations: -gardening-vegetables. Weeds need to have to be raked when young at this point, pulling weeds can be extremely difficult certainly and probably not worthwhile. About growing stright and high… effectively, that depends on more issues than we can mention: it is the whole ball of wax: soil, sun, water, fertillizer, TLC.

They are all in pots as our yard is all pavement/concrete. You can, even so, grow avocados in containers and …

Eating Locally Starts With The Home Vegetable Garden Read More